Installing Outlander charger

After testing I decided to install Mitsubishi charger units P/N W005T70271

After some measurements i found out i have space to install two chargers under the rear seats.

First i will install one charger and test it. Also this will give me DCDC in the same casing and liquid cooled and simple operated by a single 12V pin.

I needed to fabricate some fittings. I am using 3 mounts per charger to define the level.

I am using Arduino DUE which detects connected EVSE by PP line which is connected to GND/PE. Digital input from DUE is pulled up by internal resistor and senses connection to GND. At that moment DUE sends two sets of CAN telegrams. One for the Eltek and one for Outlanders.

CP is connected directly to the charger and can slow down according to EVSE.

Since i am using Eltek charger on 1st phase i will connect its coolant hoses further to Outlander chargers and then back to cooler. Coolant pump is started on EVSE PP connect signal.

I installed straight inox tubes to carry coolant back. Then i connected charger with tubes by angled hoses which remained from original engine. I connected the hoses and attached them fixed against vibration.

I connected the AC lines to the charger and sensor cable back into the boot.

HV connection was by 6mm2 cables which i connected to the same hub i use for Eltek charger.

Finally I connected the +12 stud to a 16mm2 cable and rout it back to the battery. Also i connected charger casing to car chassis by a 16mm2 cable which will provide GND for DCDC also.

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