Webasto Fuel quantity indicator

When i was trying to fool the engine computer that everything is OK i found out that i can simulate engine oil by immersing the oil quantity probe into diesel fuel. I got full stack of rectangles upon car start, which sort of told the car it has engine oil.

The same probe that shows engine oil level also shows engine oil temperature. It has 4 pins. Two wires for level indicator and two wires for temperature probe.

Since the winter is close i need Webasto heater more now and i noticed that fuel consumption is substantial since i have a lot of fluid in the system. So heater needs more time to get it to temperature for internal heating.

I came to the idea to fit the probe into webasto fuel tank. On the tank I have an opening with a flange that has 15mm internal crossection. Probe metal part is 15mm as well. So i removed the original fitting flange and put sensor in my lathe. I turned the sensor down a bit to fit into the tank. BUT while trying to make an O-ring groove i accidentaly cut the brass part in halfh. Wires inside were still ok so i thought to glue the whole thing back together with gasket sealant. It didnt work, the whole thing was too flimsy.

Finally i decided to clean out the sealant and solder the metal barrels together. They are brass after all! Plummers paste BrazeTec helped me greatly. I had to get my iron very hot, close to 500deg and paste and zinc would merge both halfhs of the brass cilinders. I needed to put it back to the lathe for a light touch so i made it more rounded. Now it goes in the canister flange and is really sturdy.

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